Blasphemy Law a Constant Threat for the Christians

The Voice Society came to know about an incident of Blasphemy took place in Qilla Didar Singh Gujranwala, where a person named Mohammad Afzal  Jutt filed an application against Emmanuel Masih s/o Inayat Masih for defaming and passing derogatory remarks about the Holy Prophet. The Police arrested Emmanuel the accused/Victim and kept him under Illegal Confinement at a local politician’s Dera named Mohammad Ibrahim.

The Voice Team reached the place of occurrence and met the wife and Children of the Victim on 13th February at about 9:00pm in the evening. The Victim Emmanuel is having Eight Children named (1). Komal (2) Farah (3)Maryam (4) Anika (5) Mussarat (6) Elishba (7) Zeeshan (8) Afzan.  Mr. Ashaknaz Bhatti a local activist helped The Voice in conducting the meeting with the family and with Mr. Ibrahim Khan. The wife of Emmanuel named Naseem told the Voice that Emmanuel took about 75,000 PKR from the brother of Afzal Jutt named Khadim Jutt and Mohammad Khadim asked for the money and misbehaved with the elder daughter of Emmanuel due to which an argument arose between Mohammad Khadim and Afzal and Emmanuel. Mohammad Afzal and his sons at first beaten Emmanuel Masih and then they gave an application against Emmanuel in the police station of Qilla Dedar singh that Emmanuel Masih has committed Blasphemy. The Police arrested Emmanuel and has taken him to an unknown place.

Advocate Aneeqa Maria Contacted the Investigating officer of the Police station and the Sub-Inspector (SI)named Ejaz Akbar and conducted meeting with him. He told the Voice team that the Local Muslims are planning to raise the issue among Sunni-Tehrek ( an Islamic Fundamental Organization and a sub-Group of Al-Qaida) and after the prayer of Jumma(Friday prayer of Muslims) They will burn down the village and kill the Blasphemer. He said that, “That’s why  I have kept the accused in a safe and unknown place so that after registration of the Case the people may not kill Emmanuel” he also said that, this area is very conservative and is under the influence of the Sunni-Tehrik so we will not be able to stop them. He also suggested the Voice team to leave the village at once so that the radicals may not cause any harm to the Voice team. He said, “ if people come to know that you have come here to help and support a Blasphemer they will not hesitate to harm you, it is not safe for you and we do not have much police force to protect you.

The Voice team conducted a meeting with the Complainant named Mohammad Afzal with the help of Ibrahim Khan and the SI at the Dera of Ibrahim where they kept Emmanuel for about 24 Hours of illegal confinement. The Voice team asked Afzal Jutt what he wanted, and what is the way to wind up the matter peacefully, at first he did not showed any interest in his money or sparing Emmanuel but after a long discussion between him and the Voice team He said, “ok! If you give me my money back, which is about 1, 75,000PKR than I will with draw the application. I just gave this application to teach this “Chura” a lesson that the people like him should not confront the Jutts and they should be obedient to us. The Voice team convinced Mohammad Afzal that once he forgive Emmanuel  and free him then he will re-pay his debt, but Mohammad Afzal insisted for the token money of 25,000PKR and the guarantee. The Voice team managed the amount and assured him with Gurantee of re-payment of his debt. Than Afzal Jutt in the presence of three Police men, Advocate Aneeqa Maria, Mr. Shahid Anthony, Mr. Napoleon Qayyum, Mr. Imran Zafar, Ibrahim Khan, Mr. Ashaknaz Bhatti, and Naseem Emmanuel with drew his application of Blasphemy against Emmanuel and the Police let Emmanuel go along with The Voice team.

It might be a report for you all, but it is really an alarming situation for us Christians to know that It is a pity that our Government is improving the punishments in Blasphemy law and people like Afzal Jutt and Khadim Jutt are Enjoying the benefits of this Law to Blackmail the poor Christian people and unleash and disrespect the women’s respect and Chastity in an easy manner. This time Emmanuel Masih was Lucky that he get rid of the death and devastation of his family but Every time will not be a lucky time and every person will not be Emmanuel. Please raise your voices against this blackmailing and injustice otherwise a day will come when we Christians will not be able to keep our daughters and mothers safe from the herd of the wolves.

Reported By,

The Voice Team


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